The Salish Seed Guild & Sustainable Bellingham are looking for in-kind donations to reduce start-up costs for the new Community Seed Garden. If you have any of the following items to donate, or something you think we might be able to use that is not on our list, please contact us. If you need a tax receipt for your donations let us know and we will provide you with one.
Our needs and desires are:
Gardening Tools
- Wheelbarrows
- Rakes, pitchforks, Spading forks
- Hoes (flat and hula hoes), and hand weeders
- Pruners, harvesting sickles
Tractor Work – in the Laurel neighborhood
- Spring plow or disc of ½ acre to break ground
- Tilling, mowing, manure spreading – backup help
Soil Amendments
- Organic fertilizer, lime
- Compost
- Manure, delivery, spreading
- Mulches such as straw or spent hay & delivery
Irrigation Supplies
- 200′ ¾” poly pipe
- Hoses, timers, fittings
- soaker hoses
- Sprinkler, sprinkler stand
Seed Starting Supplies
- Watering wands, watering cans
- Flats and pots – bottom trays, 4” pots
Seed Harvest, Cleaning and Storage For our Seed Bank & Seed Library:
- Tarps and bedsheets without holes
- Rubbermaid bins in good shape with lids
- Small coin envelopes
- Smaller standardized glass storage containers with air tight lids
- Square 4 and 5 gallon buckets in good shape (preferably with lids)
- Seed cleaning screens
- Metal file cabinets
- Library card catalog files
- T-posts and other trellising materials
- Water storage tanks, 4 IBC totes
- Water pressure pump, fittings
- Hoop house, plastic etc.
- Small insulated box cargo trailer
Gift Certificates
- Terrebone
- Laurel Farm & Garden
- Water Tec
- Hardware Sales or Lowes
- Skagit Farmers Supply
- Steuber’s Distributing