Adopt a Seed

When: This will be on your own time and place Where: Whatcom County, Your garden/ farm, Washington 98226 Contact: Brian Kerkvliet Contact Email: Contact Phone: (360) 398-7061 Open Volunteer Spots: Unlimited

This year we are launching an Adopt a Seed program. This Program will bring the community together, allowing you to help the Salish Seed Guild grow out a wider variety of organic seeds for the community. You will be able to choose from a variety of crops we are looking to grow out for seed production. Most of these varieties will be the easier crops to save seed from. Not needing any special skills like hand pollinating or isolation.

You can help the Salish Seed Guild preserve and carefully steward locally adapted seeds. This will ensure our local food shed is resilient and has the seeds necessary for local food production. With multiple people saving seeds it will create diverse redundancy for our local food shed. As Seed Stewards we will share and learn seed saving skills together to create a local self-reliant community. 

Adopting a seed variety to maturely grow out you will get all the initial seeds and information necessary to grow the crop. In addition we will provide expert guidance throughout the process. If necessary, visits to your site can aid in the successful sowing, growing and harvest for the best seed production.

By adopting a seed you will automatically become a Salish Seed member at the Seed Steward level. Granting you full access to all the seasonal workshops offered on seed growing, saving and processing. When your seed crop is ripe you can bring it to a Salish Seed community seed processing day. The seed can be cleaned by the group using the seed cleaning equipment to process the seeds from the plant material. You can have a portion of the seed and the rest will go into the Salish Seed Guilds collection to be distributed back into the community.

Thank you for considering to adopt a seed! Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Types of Seeds we are looking to grow out for seed production.

  • Lettuce
  • Peas
  • Beans
  • Tomatoes
  • Herbs
  • Flowers
  • Onions
  • Grains
  • and others

Difficult crops that need isolation or hand pollination techniques.

  • corn
  • squash
  • carrots
  • peppers
  • cucumbers
  • brassicas

A detailed list of varieties is available once you have expressed interest in adopting a seed.

If you have a variety of something special we are always looking for new seeds to steward locally.

Express Interest in Volunteering

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